Dependencies: This product requires Poiyomi Shader in your project as the projector drone material uses it!

Video Documentation here:

Text Documentation here, prefab installation instructions below:

Hologram Projector Shader Settings:

Projector Settings:

Projector Mask Texture- The projector mask texture removes projector lines from areas where the texture is black, and allows projector lines from areas where the texture is white. This is based on the UVs of the object that you are applying the material too.

Projector Color- A color selector for the projector line color. This supports HDR.

Projector Hue Shift- A hue shift slider for the projector color. This uses the OKLAB color space.

Projector Lerp Value- This tightens the projector lines. Higher values may produce a better result in some cases. See the video documentation for an example.

Projector Range Bias- This setting adjusts the position of where the projector lines begin to fade.

Projector Solidness- This setting adds a value to the noise used in the creation of the projector lines. It can make the projector lines more solid looking.

Projector Length- This setting controls how far the projector lines will extend. The distance is in unity “meters”.

Vertex Color Projector Noise- This setting makes the noise used in the creation of the projector lines use baked vertex positions stored in the vertex colors of the model. These colors can be baked easily using Poiyomi’s “Vertex Color Baker” which can be found in the Poi tab on the top toolbar when you have Poiyomi installed.

Projector Location Mode:

There are 4 options for the projector location mode, each has various tradeoffs and settings explained below.

Fixed Position- A fixed worldspace position, set this position via the “Fixed Position” setting. When “Make Fixed Position Follow Object” is checked this position will be relative to your objects origin and will follow that origins position, but not rotation.

Tradeoffs: No ability to track a position for the projector lines to come from, hence it feels very static.

Pointlight Position- This will make the projector lines come from a single pointlight with an alpha equal to the “Light Alpha ID”. It is recommended to change the Light Alpha ID and the pointlight alpha when using this mode in case you run into another user of this product, in which case if both use the same Light Alpha ID, the projector lines will only come from a single projector. You need to make sure that the Light Alpha ID is at most 5 decimal places due to precision issues otherwise it will not be able to find the light.

Tradeoffs: Pointlights are not very performant. You are also only allowed a single real time light before your avatar is marked as very poor. This pointlight will also have to be always on when the projector is going, so it will always incur the performance cost. In addition, shaders can only get the 4 “most important” pointlights in the scene. This means that models using DPS or other light based systems may experience issues, and will have to use Camera Position instead. This can be somewhat worked around by having your projector pointlight be enabled before DPS, and often it will be picked up as an important light. Pointlight alpha IDs are also finite, and as such you could technically use the same ID as another person. But as long as you randomly pick an ID, its not likely.