This document will cover what each of the settings for my Audiowave Eye Shader do. Certain settings are identical to other settings but effect a different element, for example, line one color, and line two color function the same, but effect different lines. I will not explain both settings separately, and instead just cover “line color”.

This information can also be found in less detail in this overview video:

If you need any other assistance you can also always reach out to me through my discord server at:

Line Settings


Lines Radial Scale- Scales the Audiowave lines as a group.

Line Glow Color- Sets the base color for that line.

Line Glow Hueshift- Shifts the color, starting and ending at the Line Glow Color.

Line Glow Brightness- Sets how bright the line glows.

Line Thickness- Controls how thick the line is.


Line Parallax- Sets the parallax layer (depth) for the lines as a group, may conflict with some Radial Scales.

Line UV Scale- Scales the UVs that the lines are drawn based on.

Line Min Value- Before creating the glow for each line, a minimum value is set for the lines, this is because the inside of each line is sometimes zero or negative depending on line thickness. This is that minimum value. Setting it below zero can produce negative colors which may look good in some cases.

Audiolink Off Curve Settings: These settings control the lines that display when you are not in a world with audiolink. Two of the lines (One and Two) are stacked sin waves, one of the lines (Three) is a more erratic lightning. Adjusting these settings adjusts the look of the sin waves.

Common issues:

“One of the lines looks blocky/has cuts in it”: This is due to how unity and shaders handle the Time variable. If you enter play mode and look at the eye from the game view (or in game) you will see that the line looks smooth again. Restarting your Unity will also make the line look smooth for a bit. This issue should never happen in game, and is not something that I can fix without compromising the look of the shader.

Pupils Settings